Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Larissa and Chef

A couple weeks ago I was approached by a customer who had informed me that they were an integral part in supporting an exchange student that was taking some culinary classes in Dodgeville (the little town next to ours) and asked if Larissa could "trail" me as a job shadow for something that she was doing for school...I was all over it, I thought that it would be a lot of fun...
Larissa and the sponsors had come for lunch one day and I met her for the first time and told her she oughta be ready, because my world is an unpredictable one...she showed up on Wednesday, October 8th and we had a blast....
It was kind of humbling for me because with Larissa I was trying some things that I have not tried before (like making Italian Flat Bread), and I screwed up a couple, just not getting the product that I had imagined in my head, so with my little "job shadow" I made some mistakes and we figured it out in the long run, which was a lot of fun...I guess from my perspective it was pretty awesome because I don't know everything...I might have an idea that I would like to have materialize, but I don't know everything and sometimes it is just a shot in the dark with the things that I would like to accomplish...she was a victim of this...and I loved it...
This is who I am and this is what I do...
Although I would love to think that I am the great chef that I am, it is all hit and miss when it comes to experimenting with stuff, especially when it comes to baking...
The Italian Flat Bread turned out awesome, it was just about discovering the technique that was going to express the product that I had in mind...
The mind is a terrible thing to waste...
So although Larissa was just with me for three hours we had made a batch of Italian Flat Bread, I showed her my Cheesecake recipe and she made a ton of my pizza doughs...
She really rocked on the pizza...was pretty impressed with her....
In knowing that she was from Brazil, me in my ignorant internationalism, I spoke to her in Spanish only realizing that her English was broken and she spoke Portugese...boy did I feel like an idiot thinking that she understood my Spanish....that must have gone on for like an hour before I realized that she spoke Portugese...what a dummy I felt like....
Anyway...for being a 16 year old young lady I was very pleased with how quick she picked stuff up and the product that she eventually learners and good teachers?????? Nah, maybe just a fast learner.....
Thanks Larissa, you Rock...

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